Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Final Push

Late last Fall, I decided to embark on a journey that is coming to a close this weekend. I entered into Triathlon Canada's Introduction to Competition Coaching Program. Only 13 individuals were able to start the process in November and I was very fortunate to grab the last spot thanks to a good friend's recommendation.

After 20 hours of classroom learning and discussion in November, we, the coaches, were left on our own to complete our first Case Study called Moovnot. It was about town that is out of shape and the new Mayor wants to change that. Thats where I fit in as I present the solutions with an Adult and Kids Triathlon program to have everyone swim, bike and run their way into shape.

After receiving the confirmation of passing the first Case Study, it was on to Part II. So early April, we met at OAT's Provincial Training Centre at the University of Guelph. For undetermined reasons we were now a group of seven. This was an exciting weekend as we were able to observe, discuss and partake in an organized training weekend with Provincial level athletes. See my blog post from April 6 to read my thoughts on that weekend. We were then sent on our way to complete Case Study 2 called Moovnow, where we had created a successful program and now it was time to move on. We had to create for a successful transition for the next coach as well as show various weeks of training from an annual plan. The toughest part was to create a logbook of workouts that happened over a 4 week period complete with anecdotal comments. To all the people out there who I coach in swimming, triathlon and one to one sessions, thanks for being my lab rats and allowing me to reflect on my coaching practices to become a more complete coach.

Then the email arrives, Evaluation Part 3 set for July 3 and 4. Of course it arrives with less than two weeks to go and that I am now partnered with 3 coaches whom I have not worked with. As I am in the final push to get things organized for my swim, bike, run and transition workouts, I look forward to sharing this final process with the other coaches and athletes. I plan on being prepared, offering my knowledge to the best of my ability and most importantly being myself. That's what got me to this point and that's what will make me successful in the end.

Happy Training.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back in the (Fizik) Saddle

I did it! I really did not know what to expect but overall I am happy. As i return to normal this week, my triathlon lifestyle is back.

It was NOT about watts, heart rate, cadence, or kms/hr. It WAS about getting outside and back in the (Fizik) saddle to do something I LOVE!

Yes, it was my first outdoor ride since my crash. Before I even left the house I informed my wife of my exact route of travel, checked my cell phone battery, packed my health card and hugged my kiddies. I pedaled away from home towards the open roads. Not the same roads I wiped out on but some other familiar roads that I knew would not have much traffic. The confidence that I once had as a cyclist had been shattered and I need to rebuild it, one ride at a time. So this ride was a lot about firsts. First time turning left, turning right, getting, changing gears, pushing the big ring, going down a hill and going fast. Sounds simple and it really is but from where I was 2 weeks ago, it was a big deal. It took almost a full hour before I felt comfortable again. The ride ended up being quite progressive as I got my legs turing the pedals. I still eased back into town, taking all the precautions necessary. The ride was a success and I got that "I love my bike" feeling again. As I came through the door, my family greeted me with a cheer and I proclaimed "Daddy didn't fall off his bike today" and I was greeted with more cheers, the best a Dad could get on Father's Day!

Happy Training

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Follow-Up Appointment

Today was my follow-up appointment with the Oral Surgeon. Here is how it went:

DOC: Enters room and says "you look a lot better than last week"
ME: "Thanks"
DOC: Sees me reading a Bicycling magazine "I thought I told you to take up a new sport"
ME: "Never, actually I'm a triathlete, I swim, bike and run"
DOC: Hmmm "You should try golf"
ME: "Nope"
DOC: "Open as wide as you can then bite down", "ok that looks about right now for your physio exercises, open you mouth as wide as you can, 10 times and do that 6 times a day"
ME: "Thats it"
DOC: "Yes, we need to get that joint moving while the bone heals and break up any scar tissue forming"
ME: "Ok"
DOC: "I'll need to see you in a couple weeks and we will x-ray it again and make sure it is setting properly"
ME: "OK, ummm, just wondering when I can return to activity?"
DOC: "You on any pain medication?"
ME: "No"
DOC: "Then anytime"
ME: "So I can bike and run?"
DOC: "Yes, and biking may actually be easier on your jaw as the run could cause discomfort"
ME: "So I can run without causing any further damage just my pain tolerance?"
DOC: "Yes"
ME: "Can I swim too?"
DOC: "Yes'
ME: "In open water, like Kelso?"
DOC: "Yes"
ME: "No risk for infection, cause I finished the antibiotics?"
DOC: "No problem, that was preventative"
ME: "Ok"
DOC: "So you should be back to normal routines but stick with a soft diet, like soups, scrambled eggs and and pasta"
ME: "Ok"
DOC: "See you in a couple weeks"
ME: "Sounds good"

So guess what I did today? 40 minutes on the trainer followed by 20 minutes on the treadmill. I'm back!!!

Happy Training

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yin and Yang in my Triathlon Life

Without question I have had a yin and yang week. So many good things happening and one unfortunate accident that will set me back for a little while. I want to focus on the positive but will recognize the negative.

I received exciting news from Sugoi on Thursday and found out that I was selected to be part of their BRAND CHAMPIONS TEAM. From the website "SUGOI has created a unique Brand Champion program which supports and encourages outstanding people who differ from your average athlete – those who set themselves apart from other athletes by their passion and commitment to push themselves to inspire others and to embody a motivating attitude, wherever they go." I am excited to be part of this program and look forward to wearing my Brand Champion swag in the near future.

I am thrilled this year to have 7 Systems, Running Free and Sugoi as my sponsors as I try to re-qualify for the 70.3 World Championships.

I added a couple new athletes into the mix on Friday. I added an athlete into my coaching program, who is eager to get active and balance training with family, work, etc. As well I had a great one-on-one swim coaching session with a new athlete. I look forward to working with both these new athletes as they add triathlon to their lifestyle.

The Kelso Open Water Swims have seen a revival this year and after out third week we are closing in on 70 participants. This makes me happy as I have tried to expand the participant list and make as many people as possible, aware of the great training opportunity Kelso presents. We have lots of people representing many training groups, clubs, and coaches. Here are the ones I know of; Milton Masters Aquatic Club, Milton Runners, Georgetown Runners, Mississauga Triathlon Club, Fletcher's Meadow Cross Trainers, NRG PT, Team Running Free.

As for my day at the lake on Saturday, I put together my best swim/bike/run combo of the year. I hopped into the lake for a 2000m swim, then I transitioned quickly and was off on my bike for a solo ride. I had a great loop planned, lots of hills, ideal for Muskoka Long Course. I felt great on the new bike, climbing, flats, cornering, descending so things were coming together. I pushed hard back into the parking lot so I could test my run legs. I hopped out and into my new pair of red Newtons and started running. I had a great controlled run and thought things are looking good for next weekend. This solid training day after a good training week, with a mid-week long ride and run. I figured a little extra bike milage and a tempo run off the bike on Sunday then it would be time to get race ready.

They say things can change in a heartbeat and that is pretty much exactly how it happened. I was out for a ride to warm up my legs and get a few extra km's on my new bike, before I headed out for a tempo run, when the rear tire slide completely out from under me as I rounded a turn that I have done 100 times before. The quick facts, I have 5 stitches in my upper lip, 7 stitches on my chin and a fractured jaw, that thankfully does not need wiring. I have a few other bumps and bruises along with some road rash. To be honest I am thankful that it was not any worse. I will train again in the next few weeks and will race again in another month. The worst part was having to face my kiddies and have them pick me up off the side of the road and deliver me to the hospital. With my time off I'm going to enjoy every minute with them because as I learned things can change very quickly. Hug your kiddies, EVERYDAY!

Happy Training

Thursday, June 4, 2009

YMCA Corporate Challenge

Continuing with my desire to try new things this year, I answered a last minute email request to join a team of Running Free athletes and complete in the YMCA Corporate Challenge on the CNE grounds. With less than 24 hours notice to prepare the only thing I had to worry about was getting my Team gear, however the gang at Running Free-Milton had that taken care of for me. My motivation for responding to the email request was because I wanted to meet some other Team Running Free members, support a great event with a great cause and try a new race distance. I can't remember ever running a 5km before so I thought it would be an good opportunity to test myself mid-week.

From the moment I arrived I felt VERY welcomed and part of the TEAM. Everything was very organized and I was very please with my decision to volunteer to join the team within the final 24 hours. In the past I haven't taken part in this type of event as I don't like to break from my "Type A" training plans, however I think I got more out of this opportunity than a whole weeks worth of training because I had FUN!!

I was selected to go first and that was fine with me. Not being sure what to expect I toed the line in the third row, in hindsight I think I should have gone up to the front row as the first 500 m were a little dicey trying not to step on people. The course was 2 loops of 2.5 km, and had lots of little nuances like, inclines, declines, hard and gentle turns. After blasting from the start I relaxed along the Lakeshore and got into my rhythm as I wanted to have a good strong finish. First lap was strong at about 9:30 and I was running well. Little did I know what was ahead. As I rounded the first bend I could see a crowd of walkers spread across the entire course. This was not fun as I had to dodge walkers who had no idea I was coming up from behind them. In and out, in and out, almost for the entire second lap, not good for running rhythm . I did get some space nearing the end of my loop and was able to have a little burst of finish line kick to end the race. Second loop was about 10:00 which I was a little disappointed in but knowing I had a little kick at the end was a good sign. My official 5 km time was 19:33 which I am very pleased with.

Final thoughts. I want to state that I had a TERRIFIC time at the YMCA Corporate Challenge. A special THANK YOU to Landon, Bob and Karen your kindness and camaraderie throughout the evening was extraordinary. I hope to swim, bike and/or run with each of you again real soon.

I look forward to my next event and opportunity to meet more members of Team Running Free.

Happy Training