Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Here we go

Here we go. I'm going to try and have fun with this. I plan on sharing my experiences as a dad, triathlete, teacher, friend, coach and husband. I'm trying new things in 2009 to mix things up a bit. Stay tuned.

I am basically doing one of my classic work avoidance tactics, starting something new when I have report cards to write and a case study to finish.

So I taught my first triathlon spinning class this morning. I was way more nervous than I had anticipated. Not a very good night sleep as I had many thoughts roaming through my head. However I knew I was prepared and my workout was solid - Big Ring power based. I arrived early and got things set up, damn stereo turned out to be the biggest challenge. I just plugged in my Ipod and put it on shuffle, however in the future I would like to try and sync the music with the sets. I had only about 9 other people show up for the class which didn't bother me however a few buddies would have been nice to get feedback from. I'm sure word will travel through the grape vine about my workout. I wasn't sure if I talked too much or if the info I gave was very good but everyone was working really hard. I had a moment of panic about 20 minutes in when my front derailler was suck in the big ring. I took it in stride and the next time the set went to the small ring so did my derailler, go figure. I did notice my HR was a little higher than normal, I think it was because I was talking so much instead of just burying my head. I also realized that 1 minute rest goes by real fast when you are trying to explain what set comes next. As we finished up I thanked everyone for waking up with me and more than a few of them started clapping their hands. So I guess it was a good workout. I got a good workout in too and then followed it up with a solid progressive 1 hour run of 12km tonight. I am tired tonight and will take it easy for the rest of the evening. Back to the pool for a swim workout in the morning.